Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Splish splash I was eating a bunch, all on the 4th of July

Though there is heat, burning sun and larger crowds, I love summer for two reason.

1. Water.  I love to swim, sit, bounce, eat, pretty much anything you will allow me to do in water.

2.  Grilling.  Not much beats the taste of grilled... well anything, save for sugar... mmmm baked goods.  Ok, so the first statement was an over statement/exaggeration but you get the idea: I like it!

For our fourth feast I did steak burgers.

Frest basil, parsley and sage chopped pretty finely and then just over a table spoon of Worcestershire sauce (I used "thick" but it was because that's what I had not because it is better).  Smush it around for a little bit, form it and grill it for a little while (I like mine a bit crispy on the outside but a little pink on the inside... but willing to eat pretty much anything so long as there is ketchup ;P)

 = delicious!

What did you do, eat, etc. on your 4th?

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